CHAT Math Homework Expectations

The reason for handing their homework in is to keep students accountable for the work assigned. They should attempt all problems and check each assignment from the solutions packet upon completion. Mark problems that are wrong with a red pen, then make corrections, also in red pen.

Assignments for each chapter will be handed in each week. Make sure that the assignments are handed in as follows:

  1. Write the week number, day number, page number and problem numbers on the first line of your assignment work. Skip a line and begin your assignment.
  2. Start each assignment at the top of a page
  3. Correct each assignment with a red pen.
  4. Trim all fringed edges of papers.
  5. Staple the assignments together in the upper left-hand corner.
  6. Put your name in the upper right-hand corner.


Grading of Assignments:


Assignments will be given a score ranging from 0-5 points, based on the following:

5 points Assignments are complete, neat, and corrected.
4 points Assignments are neat, corrected, and mostly complete.
3 points Assignments are acceptable, but missing some of the above attributes
2 points Assignments were handed in, but are incomplete.
0 points The assignment was not handed in.



If assignments are handed in without a name, the highest grade possible will be 3 points.
If assignments are late, the highest grade possible will be 3 points.

Assignment grades will be used in calculating final grades.


Chapter Tests:

Chapter tests will be given a percentage grade. These grades will be averaged, along with the final exam and homework grade, to come up with a final test average.

Chapter tests handed in late will be penalized 10%. This does not apply if a student has been sick or out of town, and the parent contacts the tutor.