Communication Skills
Tutor: Kia Bihl Email:
Length: Full Year Class Class Period: Thursday mornings from 9:30 - 10:30 (during period 1)

Description: Description coming!

Note:  This class is 60 minutes in length. 

Tutor: Kia Bihl has been a professional hairdresser for 24 years and is a homeschool mom to her 5 children. Through her career, she has learned a great deal about listening to others and communication skills. She also Co-leads the prayer ministry at her church and has a passion for the corporate body of believers to be engaged together in prayer and intimacy with God. She is a true extrovert who loves to connect with people and have authentic relationships with depth. She enjoys time with her husband and children, loves being a Mom, being in God's Word and prayer, time with friends, going to her family farm, traveling, gardening, and cooking for her family and friends.

Cost:  $TBD, $TBD or $TBD per semester (depending on registration date)
Grades 7-9

Prerequisite: None
Homework:  TBD
Text:  TBD