Explore:  Cartooning
(Grades 5-6)
Tutor: Mary Bradley
Email: Mary.Bradley@CHATclasses.com
Length: 5 weeks
Class dates: 10/5, 11/2, 11/16, 12/7, 12/14
Class dates: 1/11, 1/18, 2/1, 2/15, 3/1 
Class Period: Wednesday, period 2  (10:00 to 11:00 a.m.)

Description: Put circles, lines, and dots together to create hilarious cartoon faces with expressions and figures in action. We'll take it to the next dimension by drawing simple objects in 3-D to give our cartoons perspective. That is just the beginning of our adventure together! Come, join us!

New projects each semester!!!!

Please note the class dates above.  They are not sequential. For a calendar of all Explore classes click here.

Tutor: Besides being an elementary school teacher for many years, Mary Bradley has taught a variety of art classes after school and over summers. Cartooning is one of her favorites! She delights in witnessing kids discover that they can create cartoons with just circles, lines, and dots! In her spare time, Mary is a wife to Steve Bradley, a mom of four married children, and a grandma to nine grandchildren. Life is good! When she is not babysitting her grandchildren, She tutors Ortin-Gillingham Phonics and Reading Instruction.

Cost: $49, $59, $69 (depending on registration date)
: Grades 5-6
Prerequisite: Be willing to stretch your imagination, and don't forget to bring your positive attitude. You can do it!
Homework: Bring your sketchbook back to school with a minimum of 5 new drawings practicing what we just learned in class for each week between classes. (We will mostly be meeting every other week which would equal 10 drawings.)
Supplies: The tutor will provide a pen and pencil, soft eraser, paper, folder, ruler, and tracing paper.  The student needs to provide a sketchbook for working at home (does not have to be brand new), a clip board that will hold a 8.5"x11" piece of paper, and a variety of colored markers.