Language Explorers
Tutor: Bonita Jerome
Length: Full Year Class Period: Thursday eCHAT period 3 (10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.)

Description: This class will focus on the early skills needed to become a competent reader and speaker. Class time will focus on activities that promote reading-readiness skills, story comprehension, sight-word acquisition, and informal, in-class speaking opportunities. Each semester will end with an opportunity for your child to give a short speech to classmates and family members.

A small snack will be provided during class time.

Tutor: Bonita Jerome fell in love with teaching while working as an administrator and tutor at a small missionary kids’ school in the Philippines just after graduating from high school. Returning to the U.S. in 1990, she pursued a career in elementary and middle school education with an emphasis on language arts. She then spent over a decade teaching elementary and middle school students at private Christian schools. Bonita is excited to have the opportunity to continue using her teaching experience in the homeschool community as she homeschools her own three children and begins her second year of tutoring at CHAT.

Cost:  $147, $157, or $167 per semester (depending on registration date)
: Kindergarten

Prerequisite: none
Text: none
Homework: none
Supplies: Scissors, crayons, glue, and pencil