Technical Storytelling
Tutor: Katie Plaisted
Length:1st Semester Class Period: (offered again in 2021-22 )

Description: Learn how to communicate through the art of visual media using Cinematography, Lighting, Sound Design, and Editing. Look at how shadows and color temperatures can tell your story, how different camera lens can engage your audience, how layering sound or bringing silence can create richness in your project, and how the rhythm of bringing clips together can bring your video to a whole new level. Our goal is to explore the process of making quality videos so your student’s creative story projects can come to life in new depths and in a way that glorifies our Creator God with excellence.

Tutor: Katie Travis-Plaisted is an independent filmmaker in the Twin Cities with a Cinema Production Certificate as well as an Associates Degree in Cinema: Directing and Producing from the Minneapolis Community and Technical College - where her thesis film project won in the 2012 Cinema Excellence Awards. She is the director and producer of several narrative short films, two of which have also gone on as Official Selections in film festivals across the country; and has been the Media Director at Reign Dance Theater and the lead acting coach for over five years. She grew up in the performing arts and was herself homeschooled from K-12, graduating from Christian Liberty Academy. Her passion is to pass on the skills she has learned to the next generation of blossoming artists and inspire them to use their gifts to praise our Lord Jesus Christ with excellence and professionalism, and touch those in the film industry with the truth and love of Christ. Katie and her husband are members of Church on the Hill in Chaska, MN, where they are currently leading the youth (7th - 12th). Free time for her includes longbow archery and writing one of her screenplays or novels.

Cost: $195
rades 9-12
Prerequisite: None
Homework:  Short video projects
Textbook:  None

Supplies:  Camera/phone with manual settings that can capture video. Computer capable of supporting the latest version of Mac or Windows for running free video editing software