PSEO: Calculus Study Group
Tutor: Kim Nelson
Length:one semester Class Period: day and time TBD by students and tutor

Description: Many high school students are taking Calculus as a PSEO class and need extra help.  This class is intended to be a time that students can ask questions and get help with homework.  Students can be enrolled in any Calculus 1 class at any institution and be part of this class.

Note: The time and day for this class will be determined based on the input from registered students.   Please note on your registration form what the best days and times are for you (even if it is a non-CHAT day) and Mrs. Nelson will contact you.

Tutor: Kim Nelson graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in Mathematics from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota. She holds a current Minnesota teaching license in secondary mathematics.  Mrs. Nelson taught math at Henry Sibley High School is West St. Paul for 6 years before starting her family.  She homeschooled all 4 of her children (now all in college or beyond), and has taught everything from Pre-K to Calculus. She is the co-founder of CHAT and has been teaching math classes at CHAT since it began in 2004.

Level: Grades 11-12 or tutor approval
Prerequisite: currently enrolled in Calculus 1 at some institution
Homework: Approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours per day
Text: Supplied by your PSEO college
Supplies: none