Intro to Coding
Tutor: Laura Glassel
Length:Full Year Class Period: Wednesday, period 2

Description: This class will teach you the basics of C#, by building a very simple role-playing game (RPG). The game will let you create a player, set up locations for them to travel to, discover quests
to complete, and fight monsters. By the end of the class, you will know the basics of C# programming. The focus of this class is to show you the most common things you'll need to do to
create a C# program – such as creating classes, handling user inputs, and doing common calculations. Think of the Pareto Principle. You'll learn the 20% of the things that you'll need
to do 80% of the time, when writing a program in C#.

Tutor: Laura Glassel grew up in the New England area, Germany, and Minnesota. She received her associate's degree in Aircraft Maintenance, her bachelor's degree in Missionary Aviation, and her master's degree in Bible Translation from Bob Jones University. As part of her education, she earned both her aircraft mechanic's and pilot's certificates. During her college years, she tutored high school students, and learned a lot about teaching techniques and learning. She has since been able to transfer her tutoring skills to the classroom situation in order to share her passion for learning with more students.

Level: Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: An interest in computers, programming, and problem-solving. Students must be comfortable creating folders and files on their computer and comfortable with basic computer operations.
Homework: Approximately 1-2 hours per week
Text: None
Supplies: a laptop that meets the requirements below (sorry, but no Apple Macintosh computers can be used)

Microsoft Windows Requirements:

  • Windows XP (32 bit only) and Vista (32/64 bit) excluding Starter Edition - with the latest Service Packs
  • Windows 7 (32/64 bit) and Windows 8 desktop mode including Starter Edition - with the latest Service packs 
  • Windows 10
  • Dual core processor 2.0 GHz or better
  • 2GB of RAM or more
  • 2GB of available hard-disk space
  • XGA display (1024 x 768)
  • 1 available USB port