DeAnn Gerdin
Email: deann.gerdin@chatclasses.com |
Length: Full Year | Class Period: Wednesday, period 3 |
Description: We will study marine wildlife and and their habitats, the five biological kingdoms, marine microscopic organisms, and marine creature anatomy including dissections of a shark, starfish, clam, coral, and sponge. Ecosystems such as intertidal zones, estuaries, coral reefs, continental shelf and deep-ocean communities will be studied more deeply as well as creating maps of each ecosystem. Special projects will be assigned including a semester end research paper which will be presented at the end of each semester. Class time will have roughly a 45 minute lesson followed by 45 minutes of hands-on lab activities and videos. Tutor: DeAnn Gerdin has a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Fisheries and Wildlife - Management from the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus. DeAnn has a strong interest in ecology and animal behavior. While attending the U of M, she spent nine months conducting an independent study on the courtship behavior of Mallard ducks. After graduating, DeAnn worked at Woodlake Nature Center in Bloomington, MN before taking a full-time position at Marshall Fields as a Marketing Effectiveness Analyst. DeAnn furthered her education and received a M.A. of Teaching in Secondary Life Science from the University of St. Thomas. Currently she is a stay-at-home mother and a homeschooler with three children.She enjoys soap making, pottery, birding, and running in her spare time. DeAnn is amazed at the wonder and beauty of God's creation and is eager to share it with others. Cost:
$215 per semester
Supplies: The cost of all dissection materials and microscope slides is included in the price of the class. (Note: Lab equipment and microscopes will be bought by and kept by CHAT. The lab fee goes towards the purchase of dissection specimens and other lab supplies and maintaining the microscopes. ) |