Music Theory
Tutor: Laura Glassel
Length:Full Year Class Period: Wednesday, period 4

Description: This course covers the rudiments and terminology of music, including hearing and notating: pitches, intervals, scales and keys, chords, meter, and rhythm.  Addresses these basic concepts through listening to a wide variety of music, including not only music from standard Western tonal repertoire but also twentieth-century art music, jazz, popular music and the music of non-Western cultures.

Tutor: Laura Glassel grew up in the New England area, Germany, and Minnesota. She received her associate's degree in Aircraft Maintenance, her bachelor's degree in Missionary Aviation, and her master's degree in Bible Translation from Bob Jones University. As part of her education, she earned both her aircraft mechanic's and pilot's certificates. During her college years, she tutored high school students, and learned a lot about teaching techniques and learning. She has since been able to transfer her tutoring skills to the classroom situation in order to share her passion for learning with more students.

Level: Grades 9-12
Prerequisite: none
Text: (To be purchased by parents) Music Theory Secrets by Brent Coppenbarger (ISBN #978-1442233232)
$10 materials fee, 3-ring binder, and paper

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