Tutor: Sue Welsh
Email:sue.welsh@chatclasses.com |
Length: Full Year | Class Period: Wednesday, period 1 |
Description: This is a fun, challenging, and very interactive high school Spanish course. Students will put all their Spanish 1 and 2 skills to good use, as they work to expand their vocabulary and learn advanced grammar concepts. Fluency in expression and comprehension are goals for this level. Through a variety of activities, students will increase their reading, writing, listening, comprehension, and speaking abilities. Students will also continue to have exposure many other areas such as geography, history, music, and art as they pertain to the Spanish language and culture. The Realidades 2 textbook and workbook are very user friendly and comprehensive. Additional online activities will be provided. Our goal is to only speak Spanish in the classroom. Tutor: Sue Welsh has a B.A. in Spanish and a M.A. in Secondary Education. Sue has been with CHAT since 2006. She has spent extended time in both Spain and Mexico. In her 32 years of teaching, she has taught in public, private, homeschool and corporate settings. She believes in a very interactive approach to teaching Spanish. She also believes strongly in lifelong learning, and providing students with the tools to continue their own learning once they leave the classroom. With her students, Sue speaks Spanish as much as possible. However, English is spoken when necessary. This approach creates a challenging but comfortable environment for students to experiment with the language. Cost:
$225, $235,
or $245 per semester (depending on registration
The student textbook and workbook can be purchased at www.savvas.com. New and used copies can also often be found on other online sites such as Amazon, Ebay, CHAT website, and Abebooks.