Dear Parents,
First, the Christmas Market last week was great! So many talented students (and parents). Thanks to all who participated, helped, and shopped.
Here is what you will find in this email:
1. (reminder) Candy Grams
2. (reminder) August email trail
3. Homeschool ski days at Trollhaugen
1. The Student Council will be delivering Candy Grams next week. Students and parents can purchase them this week and next at the Monitor Table. They are $1 each or 7 for $5.
2. If you wonder if you've missed communication from us, our emails can be found here:
3. One of our moms schedules the homeschool ski days at Trollhaugen. Attached are the registration sheets for December and January. Here are the dates:
Monday, December 16
Monday, January 6
Thursday, January 16
Monday, January 27
Monday, February 10
Thursday, February 27
Thursday, March 6