eCHAT and CHAT Volunteers (This page is in the process of being updated.  Please check back.)

We appreciate your help as we work together to provide a safe and effective environment for our kids to learn in! We are asking that each family sign up for one volunteer slot per semester.

The online signup is at: (not available yet)


Description of Volunteer Positions:

Location details:

  • Terrace - This is the 2nd floor area where the monitor table is.

  • Commons - This is the 1st floor area by the big windows where students eat and where the Cafe is.

  • 1st floor lobby - This is the area right inside Door 4.


Student Handbook Assembler

This volunteer will need to connect with Laura to get the pages.  She will collate, staple, fold, and put name labels on the student handbooks before CHAT starts.  This can be done any time during the week before CHAT starts and at her own home. 

Opening Day Greeter - Grace Entrance
Wednesday and Thursday (8:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m.)

This volunteer will greet students and parents in the first floor lobby area, direct them upstairs, and field questions.  This position needs to be filled with a returning CHAT parent, not someone from a new CHAT family.

Student ID Photography Helper (Fall Semester)

We are going to need volunteers to help Tina with student ID pictures during the first week of CHAT.  You can sign up for either the morning or afternoon shift on either day.  Tina will show you what you need to do.

Email Digest Manager

Receive forwarded emails from Laura and organize the information into a single email digest to be sent out to CHAT families each month.

Open House Greeter (Spring Semester)
6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

This position involves welcoming and directing families who come to the open house.

Morning Monitor - Commons
Wednesday and Thursday (9:00 a.m. to noon)

This volunteer will hang out in the Commons area downstairs.  Since high school students will be allowed to come downstairs to purchase from the vending machines and Cafe, we need someone to keep an eye on this area and encourage students to head back upstairs after they have made their purchases.  We also ask that you take occasional walks through the halls outside the worship center for wandering students.  The only students allowed to be in the Commons during the day are students at CHAT only for PSEO and students sitting with parents. You are welcome to have your younger kids with you. Please pick up your name tag at the monitor table on the Terrace level.

Morning Monitor - Classroom Wing Doors
Wednesday and Thursday (9:00 a.m. to noon)

This volunteer will sit in the Terrace at the monitor table. Your responsibility is to check student IDs as students enter our wings. You will have a picture roster of CHAT students to refer to as needed. You are welcome to have your other kids with you and do school with them or other quiet activities during this time if you'd like.

Lunch Helper - Grace Cafe/Commons
Wednesday (11:45 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

This volunteer will help monitor the CHAT students during their lunch period (noon - 12:30), and then will wipe off the tables at the end of the lunch period.  Send students back to CHAT's area by 12:45.  Please pick up your name tag from the monitor table on the Terrace.

Lunch Helper - Grace Cafe/Commons
 Thursday (11:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.)

This volunteer will help monitor the eCHAT students during their lunch period (11:30 - noon) and the CHAT students during their lunch period (noon - 12:30). You will also wipe tables between the 2 lunch periods and again at 12:30.  Send students back to CHAT’s space at 12:45. Please pick up your name tag at the monitor table on the Terrace.

Afternoon Monitor - Classroom Wing Doors
 (12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.)

This volunteer will sit in the Terrace at the monitor table. Your responsibility is to check student IDs as they enter our wings. You will have a picture roster of CHAT and students to refer to as needed. During the last 15 minutes, we ask you to wash the tabletops in all empty rooms in the classroom wing and straighten the chairs as needed. You are welcome to have your other kids with you and do school or another quiet activity with them as you sit, and they can come with you as you straighten rooms. Maybe they could straighten chairs as you wash tables!

Hall Monitor - Student Lounge
Thursdays (9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.)
Thursdays (11:30- to 2:00 p.m.)

This volunteer will be based in the Student Lounge (CA211). Your responsibility is to oversee the students in the Student Lounge and the area outside the gym. In addition, you need to periodically walk through the halls to make sure students are where they are supposed to be. During eCHAT transition time between classes, help direct students to their next class and remind them, if necessary, to be quiet in the halls. Please pick up your name tag at the monitor table on the Terrace.

Afternoon Monitor - Commons
 (1:00 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.)

This volunteer will monitor the Commons area Thursday afternoons. The Café is not open, so students should not be in the Commons unless they are students at CHAT only for PSEO or students sitting with parents.  From 3:15-3:45, this volunteer will hang out in the 1st floor lobby as students are going home. 

Christmas Celebration  (Fall Semester)

These positions involve helping with our Christmas Celebration evening. We will need volunteers to help set up the art displays, set up the refreshments table, assist with rehearsal, help with traffic flow before the performance (ushers), help with refreshments during the reception time, and help with clean-up. These positions are listed separately on SignUpGenius.

Christmas Celebration Shopper  (Fall Semester)
Afternoon, the day of the celebration

This volunteer will make a run to the store Thursday afternoon for cookies and anything else that may be needed for the night of the Christmas Celebration. Cookies will need to be at Grace Church by 5:00p.m.

Christmas Celebration Program Helper  (Fall Semester)
The day of the celebration

This volunteer will help print (at Grace) the programs for the Christmas Celebration. You will also be in charge of finding students or other adults to help fold the programs.  This is best done in the morning to allow time for folding.

Christmas Celebration Decoration Helper  (Fall Semester)
The day of the celebration

This volunteer will oversee the centerpieces/decorations for the food tables at the Christmas Celebration.  

Spring Showcase   (Spring Semester)

These positions involve helping with our Spring Showcase evening. We will need volunteers to help set up the art displays, set up the refreshments table, assist with rehearsal, help with traffic flow before the performance (ushers), help with refreshments during the reception time, and help with clean-up. These positions are listed separately on SignUpGenius.

Spring Showcase Shopper  (Spring Semester)
Afternoon, the day of the showcase

This volunteer will make a run to the store the afternoon of the showcase for cookies and anything else that may be needed for the night of the Spring Showcase. Cookies will need to be at Grace Church by 5:00p.m. 

Spring Showcase Program Helper  (Fall Semester)
The day of the showcase

This volunteer will help print (at Grace) the programs for the Spring Showcase. You will also be in charge of finding students or other adults to help fold the programs.  This is best done in the morning to allow time for folding.

Spring Showcase Decoration Helper  (Spring Semester)
The day of the showcase

This volunteer will oversee the centerpieces/decorations for the food tables at the Spring Showcase.  



Signing up for Volunteer Positions

Signup for the Spring, 2020 semester is online (see link at the top of this page). Parents will need to create an account at SignUpGenius the first time they submit their signup.  This verifies your signup position, allows you to make swaps with other moms if necessary, and allows you to receive an email reminder 2 days before the date you signed up for. Spots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Parents who fail to sign up will either be assigned spots by CHAT or charged the buy-out fee.

Canceling and Swapping

What to do if you can’t make your volunteer time: Please do your best to find a replacement. You can go back to the SignUpGenius and look for someone who is doing your job on a different day. Look them up on the family roster that will be emailed to you at the beginning of the school year. If you can’t find a replacement (maybe it’s too last minute), please let Laura know. You will pay the buyout fee of $25, and she will find a replacement. We will try to give you an opportunity to volunteer again to get your buyout fee back.

A Final Point

Thank you for your time in volunteering.  If you would like to sign up for more than the one spot we are requesting, feel free to do so!