Algebra 1



Tutor:  Kim Nelson,, (952) 932-9536


Textbook:  Bob Jones Algebra 1, current (2nd) edition


CHAT Math website:


Other Materials necessary for class:  Each student should have a notebook for taking notes and working out sample problems.  


Homework:  Expect to spend approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours per day on assignments.  Assignment solutions will be handed out at the beginning of each semester.  Questions on the assignments will be answered at the beginning of each class time.  There will be 3-4 lessons covered each week.  Assignment notes are available on the CHAT math website.


Class time:  Class time will always begin with review of the previous week's lessons by answering any questions the students may have.  The remainder of the class time will be spent on new material.


Tests:  Tests will be assigned approximately every 2 weeks.  Parents will administer (and sign) the tests and the student will turn in the test at the beginning of class the following week.  All tests will be graded by the teacher and returned to the student.  A Final Exam will be given during the final class period. 


Grading:  Assignment completion must be monitored by the parents on a daily basis to get the greatest possible value from the class.  Students should not fall behind!  Assignments are to be corrected by the parent or student and handed in weekly.  Tests will be corrected by the teacher and be returned with the percentage correct.



Scope and Sequence:


1st Semester:


Week 1 - Ch. 1 lessons 1-5

Week 2 - Ch. 1 lessons 6-9, review

Week 3 - Ch. 1 test, Ch. 2 lessons 1-4

Week 4 - Ch. 2 lessons 5-7, review, test

Week 5 - Ch. 3 lessons 1-5

Week 6 - Ch. 3 lessons 6-9, review

Week 7 - Ch. 3 test, Ch. 4 sections 1-4

Week 8 - Ch. 4 lessons 5-8

Week 9 - Ch. 4 lessons 9-10, review, test, Ch. 5 lesson 1

Week 10 - Ch. 5 lessons 2-6

Week 11 - Ch. 5 lessons 7-8, review, test, Ch. 6 lesson 1

Week 12 - Ch. 6 lessons 2-6

Week 13 - Ch. 6 lessons 7-10

Week 14 - Ch. 6 review, test,

Ch. 7 lessons 1-3

Week 15 - Ch. 7 lessons 4-7


2nd Semester:


Week 16 - Ch. 7 lessons 8-9, review, test, Ch. 8 lesson 1

Week 17 - Ch. 8 lessons 2-6

Week 18 - Ch. 8 lessons 7-9, review, test

Week 19 - Ch. 9 lessons 1-4

Week 20 - Ch. 9 lessons 5-7, review, test

Week 21 - Ch. 10 lessons 1-4

Week 22 - Ch. 10 lessons 5-8

Week 23 - Ch. 10 lessons 9-10, review, test, Ch. 11 lesson 1

Week 24 - Ch. 11 lessons 2-5

Week 25 - Ch. 11 lessons 6-8, review

Week 26 - Ch. 11 test,  Ch. 12 lessons 1-3

Week 27 - Ch. 12 lessons 4-7, review

Week 28 - Ch. 12 test, Ch. 13 lessons 1-3,6

Week 29 - Ch. 13 review, test, final review

Week 30 - Final Exam