Click on the class name to see the class description.

2019-2020 Fall Semester

eCHAT Classes 

Click on the class name to see the class description (listed alphabetically by grade).

Grades K-2

Course Name Tutor Course Description
Kindergarten Mighty Movers TBD The goal is movement, fitness, and fun!
Kindergarten Enrichment Lisa Berscheid This class class will be filled with fun hands-on activities and projects to develop a love of learning.
1st Grade Christina Sluka
This class will incorporate activities in art, science, math, language arts, and Bible in a fun and engaging environment.
2nd Grade Joni Mockler Students will explore classic literature and discover new things about writing, character, art, science, geography, math, music, and each other.
Gym Michael Nelson The goal of this class is fitness and fun!

Grades 3-4


Course Name Tutor Course Description
Art Kara Hammond A class that will explore the basics of two dimensional and three dimensional art   The period 6 class is FULL.
Gym Michael Nelson The goal of this class is fitness and fun! 
Grace Notes Karen Bjorlin A children’s singing group and music course (mostly) studying singing, also music appreciation and musical notation and theory
Guitar Lessons Ben Adler One on one lessons catered to the individual that focuses on techniques, songs, note reading and music theory (4th graders only)  
Karate and Self Defense Peter Sterling A Christ centered class in karate and self defense.  This class is almost full.
Math Enrichment Lisa Berscheid

A class to practice and reinforce math concepts using games and other activities

Science Laura Kirkwold

Interactive exploration of God's world through the human body, chemical compounds, and Newton's Laws set in motion with backyard ballistics.  The period 5 class is FULL. 

Writing Bonita Jerome An elementary writing course that focuses on building students' confidence and enjoyment, while improving their writing skills. 


Grades 5-6


Course Name Tutor Course Description
Art Andrea Merboth An exploration into creating beautiful works of art by focusing on shade, shapes and relationships, creating artwork in pencil, chalk, fabrics, and many other mediums  Both periods are almost full.
Drama Andrea Merboth A fun introduction to drama and acting.  (This class will be offered again in 2020-21)
Gym Michael Nelson The goal of this class is fitness and fun!   This class is almost full.
Grace Notes Karen Bjorlin A children’s singing group and music course (mostly) studying singing, also music appreciation and musical notation and theory 
Guitar Lessons Ben Adler
One on one lessons catered to the individual that focuses on techniques, songs, note reading and music theory  
Jr. Filmmaking Katie Plaisted Learn hands-on how to make a movie that glorifies God by walking through the filmmaking process step by step.  (2nd semester only) 
Karate and Self Defense Peter Sterling A Christ centered class in karate and self defense.  This class is almost full.
Math Enrichment Lisa Berscheid

A class to practice and reinforce math concepts using games and other activities

Science DeAnn Gerdin Fall Semester- Zoology; Spring Semester - Bio-mimicry  The period 5 class is FULL.  The period 6 class still has room.
American History Sonja Hettinga An interactive exploration of the events of American History 
Fall Semester - Early 1900s to Modern Times; Spring Semester - Minnesota History  This class is FULL.
Writing Laura Johnson An elementary writing course that focuses on building students' confidence and enjoyment, while improving their writing skills.  The period 6 class FULL.